Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Singing in the Rain questions

1. There's many scenes in the movie that are "out of sync". For example, when Don Lockwood was describing his childhood. The effect of this ironic contrast is that he would say things like that he was a good performer when he was younger and he lies about it to make him seem better.
2. the history of motion pictures is represented with the transition between silent movies and the talkies. The film shows the difficulties that silent film actors and actresses had with the transition.
3. In this movie, the audience is laughing a lot whenever Lina Lemont is in a scene. Her voice and how she acts create a lot of comedy and adds a lot to the film. This all serves as a point of reference for the viewers to know that it's actually comedy and that she isn't actually bad.
4. In this film, i think that the drama and musical scenes are equally balanced. There was a lot of dramatic scenes and the musical scenes would tie into it very well so that there would be an equal amount in both.
5. All of the romance scenes would smoothly transition into a happy musical number about how much they were in love with eachother.
6. I don't agree because there are so many musicals still out there today that are extremely popular like HSM, and all of those disney movies. Many people out there still really like musicals and they still get great reviews from audiences.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Singing in the Rain reflection

This movie was really entertaining. The characters were perfect for the movie. Kathy Seldon's part was good and she had a really good voice. I found it really funn when she would sing for the annoying Lina Lemont.Her annoying voice and character though made the movie really entertaining. The dancing and singing was fun to watch as well. The chemistry the two had (Kathy and the other guy) was really cute. It was kind of like a long triangle too even though Lina was kind of just there and no one liked her. The balance of a good storyline and a singing/dancing made the movie really good.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Western

Brokeback mountain is probably the only western film i've seen.

-Westerns are devoted to telling stories set primarily in the latter half of the 19th century in the American Old West.
-set as early as the Battle of the Alamo in 1836 but most are set between the end of the American Civil War (1865)
-often portray how primitive and obsolete ways of life confronted modern technological or social changes.
-American Westerns of the 1940s and 1950s emphasize the values of honor and sacrifice

Stagecoach Reflection

It was in the desert or in the middle of nowhere
There were cowboys and indians.
There were small town saloons.
Always a showdown between the hero and the villain.
There's lawbreakers, and the move of homesteaders.

Female Characters in Hawks

The female characters in Hawks films have a lot of things in common. For example, they use a lot of the same lines, their body language is very similar, and they always talk/dress/act "sexy" around the men in the movies.

Monday, April 4, 2011


A majority of all musicals including singing/dancing (musical numbers) and many have some sort of love story within them.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chaplin v. Keaton

-Keaton filmed more on location, Chaplin filmed more on set.
-Both of them do their own stunts in their films
-Keaton had a script, Chaplin just kept the film running and made up things as he went
-Keaton used more modern music
-Keaton had a clearer storyline that was easier to understand and it flowed better.