Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Save y0 Drama For Your Momma, please.

As I was reading Cindy's blog about what she thinks about sophomore year, I realized many things. These past couple of weeks have been horrible and so stressful for me. There has been so much drama going on that I cannot handle anymore and on top of that, school in general has been stressing me out. I really thought that sophomore year was going to be "thee shit" and a million times better than freshman year, but as of right now, it's not so great after all. A lot of people are losing friends or ruining friendships because of stupid little arguments they get into. And all of these guy problems make me think, why do things have to be this way? It's just way to much for me. I just don't understand why there's all of this drama right now. I am SO done with it all. I would do anything for all of this drama to end. I'm glad I have people to talk to who understand where i'm coming from and they've helped me so much lately. I love them all. I've realized that it's very good to have those few close friends because they are always there for you when you're having a bad day, they can help you with all of your problems, and they're there when you just need to talk to someone. I don't want to ruin any friendships because of all of the things that have been going on lately so I want to put it all behind me and forget about it. I'm ready to move on. (:


Lorita said...

UGH! I know what you mean. So much drama taking place in all of our lives. Well, that's a consequence to growing up. I wish all of our troubles will just go away some how.

shay said...

Kelsey i really get what you mean this year has been realllyy stressful i think for everyone in different ways but i know were going to make it through okay :)
AND dont even get me started on boys!